Taos Day 2 - Another Blue Bird Day

We watched the Creator movie last night.  Not recommended for consumption.   Still crashed around 10 pm with a 6 am wake up.  The two of us on the same sleep schedule.

Spent time with the massage gun working quads, hamstrings and calves.  Really works.  Then of course you have to get the day started with a Hampton Breakfast.

8:11 departure to the mountain with blue skies.  Sun screen applied and a few less layers than yesterday.  Upon arrival we found the better parking and suited up.

Oops, Drake forgot to grab his coat so we are starting a new tracking category. Brain Farts.

Dad offered his thin pull over, that helped do the trick for most of the day.  A few chili moments, to start and end the day.

After a couple of warm up runs Drake wanted to climb and do a chute.  His second run was a 1.5 hour hike/ski to the run along the ridge.  On one of the warm up lift ride Jeff dropped his ear bud.  Spill, no wait found it between legs, so .5 spill.

Drake headed for his first of 2 hikes, while Jeff skied below.

With bad coverage on the mountain we got our timing off so didn't catch up until 2:30.  At that point we called the day with a beer.  One footnote is later in the day Jeff forgot to close his camelback and lost earbuds and Advil.  UGH!!

As we departed the slope we stopped in a ski shop and found some Taos stickers.  Then headed back to the hotel where we kind of vegged the rest of the day.  During calls back home, Drake found a series on YouTube.   We chose to hang out and watch hard core skiing.  "50 Lines" where one guy tries to ski the top 50 ski lines in NA.  The catch is no Heli lifts all hiking to the top and if they don't ski from the top due to conditions they have to come back.

Another before 10 p.m. good night!

The updated tally for chips, spills and falls:
Chips = 1* Drake and Jeff had chips and salsa with Mexican Dinner.
Spills = Jeff 2.5 for the day with 1.5 earbud and 1 for glass of ice knocked over while watching TV. Total trip tally 4!!
Falls = 1 minor for Jeff on a surprise section of moguls.
Brain Fart = 1 Drake forgetting his coat.


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